Scattered is a new platform enabling people to experience art in striking and unexpected locations. Disregarding pretension and staid clichés of how, when and where art should be enjoyed, Scattered sees art as accessible, emergent and dynamic.

An accidental glimpse, a secret conversation, a sporadic experience.

Shhhhh, no one’s going to be looking…

Thursday, 1 December 2011

It's on!!!!!!

It's confirmed, the next venue, put it in your diaries Jan 29th! As you well know Scattered followers, they get better and better and this one will not disappoint and is going to be the best one yet. If you haven't submitted, please do so and we are looking for all things creative!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Woooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Another fantastic exhibition, so proud of everyone that took part, it looked great. Pictures will follow shortly, can't wait for the next one!

Sabres at the ready!

And yes, here it is at long last. Scattered is hosting it's third exhibition today at Truro Fencing Club from 4 to 6pm. As ever, expect a fantastic range of art and, unusually for us more horizontal types, some sporty distractions too...

Truro Fencing Club, Harvey Road, Newhamd, Truro, TR1 2XW.

See you there!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Touche Turtle!

Touche Turtle? Yeah, you know, Touche Turtle, the incredibly cool and impressively heroic yet really rather cute animated figure of our youth. Well, when I say 'our youth', I clearly refer to those of us who remember when roller skates were basically metal flip flops on wheels and when corn beef really did seem like a worthy sandwich filler but I think you know what I'm getting at.

Okay, so some of you ker-razy yoof-ful Scattered followers out there (yes, experimentation with spelling really is the way to keep the ageing process at bay) may not appreciate the greatest turtle of our times but I think we can all learn a little from what he stands for.

No? Well, not only does Touche Turtle represent the opponent who is always going to impress his competitor with his worthy and witty retorts, he also represents a species that has stood the test of evolutionary time. And the link with Scattered? Well, it's as clear as a swipe from Touche's blade; Scattered's exhibition on Sunday 2nd October will be in a species of its own, sure to impress everyone.

Keep your foils at the ready and see you there:)

(Disclaimer: While it could be argued that Scattered has short, sturdy legs, it is legally bound to admit that it does not have horny scutes.) 

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


The worst thing about going on holiday, aside from the cocktail-induced-Euro-binge-guilt and the disappointment when you realise that your tan pales (literally) into insignificance next to the golden skin of the person who tells you that they 'sat in the shade' all week, is dirty washing. Specifically dirty underwear. You know what I mean - those pesky pants that sit at the bottom of your travel bag, spreading their dirtiness and tempting you to sniff them in case they're actually your clean ones (they never are) - they really do take the glamour out of travel (and I fly Ryan Air so I know all about glamorous travel).

So, it's almost with reflief that those days of sipping mojitas around the pool in our private villa are over and that the Scattered team is back in Cornwall enjoying the dregs of Hurricane Irene and figuring out how to live off 5 Euros for the rest of the month (eating souvenir tea towels is becoming an appealing option). And better yet, with those pants recently cleaned, the Scattered team is hygenic, fragrant and gearing up to the third Scattered exhibition.

We'll keep you posted so keep visiting the blog. Visas, sun cream, naff sun hats and cheap rip-off sunglasses are not required. We know you're an arty bunch though so the condition of your underwear will be up to you...

P.S. Spent all your money on 'crazy' souvenir fridge magnets? Don't worry 'cos Scattered is free!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Get your glad rags on, you've pulled! Another Scattered Art event coming soon!

We've found a venue and excitement is building. It's set to be another amazing Scattered event at the end of September - so make sure it's in your diaries and tell all your friends to follow the blog and keep in the loop. Remember these are temporary one-off exhibitions so don't miss your chance to be involved.

Scattered 2 - Vanilla Nightclub in Truro 3rd July 2011